
Sunday, August 13, 2006

So you're a baby, and you need soothing

Things have been a little a weird. You were inside of a belly where it was warm, peaceful and entirely liquefied. Then one day, they open up the roof and pull you out, under bright white lights, to the glee of many people, and you find your lungs and cry. Basically, you have no idea what is going on, which is a theme for the next few months. A poopy diaper, you cry. Looking for some food? You cry. Got the sniffles? Waaa.

Mom and dad try to respond to all the cries, but they don't speak baby. So it's hard to figure out what you're crying about. They change your diaper, feed you, walk you (the bumps put you to sleep), burp you, hold you, and yet, you cry. And the cry has a little snort, as if your nose is plugged.

Enter baby saline solution. This is the deal: you get salt water stuck up your nose, while you're complaining about how your nose is plugged. We've all probably swam in the sea and had salt water up our noses. We sort of know what the result will be. You didn't.

Still, as sad as Autumn appeared with a runny nose, the result will be a baby with a clearer nose, and that was worth that moment of incredible discomfort. I think. Anyone here know what else to do? What's the best way to soothe a baby?

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