
Thursday, August 03, 2006

Code Red!

A lot of friends of ours who are parents told us that the best time to go to a restaurant is when Autumn is still a little baby. Basically, she'll sleep, they said. And while we had a little bit of a moment a few days ago, we had some pumped milk packed, so we could feed her at the table - you know, without Rhona having to feed her.

Which bring us to yesterday. Rhona and Autumn met me at a local eatery for lunch. You could tell Autumn was on the edge of screaming for most of the lunch. So just as we were both wrapping up, she started full-out complaining. Some would call it kicking and screaming. Rhona took her into an empty banquet room that was part of the restaurant and fed her. For 40 minutes. I always thought Rhona would become a great mom. She's proving me right.

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