
Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Parent Teacher conference

That's right. A little while ago, we had a parent / teacher conference at Autumn's day care. She was even given a report card. Yes, she was less than 7 months old. Still, we went to talk about her, and how she's adjusting to day care. The bottom line is, she's doing great. The parent teacher conference is all about us. About how we're doing. So, here, finally is her first report card.

This is the cover. Click on it to make it bigger.

Here's page one.

A highlight: "Autumn is right on target". I should add that this morning, she was rolling around like a little ball. Belly, back. Belly, back. She'll be crawling before we know it.

Coming tomorrow, page 2 of the report. A highlight: "Autumn is right on target".

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