
Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Autumn's report card #2

Here then, the long awaited part two of Autumn's report card.

I should point out that Autumn was there at the parent teacher conference, and while it was all positive, she was humble, staying quiet throughout the entire 10 minute meeting.

In all seriousness, it was a nice moment. We're a little family, and this is an important part of her life. Involvement in a child's education is the best way to ensure she (or he) gets a good one. I have some issues about education in this country, but that doesn't mean I can't or won't get involved in every aspect of her learning.


England1966 said...

The first of many many great report cards Autumn!!! Love AT

Matt. said...

I guess un-verbal communication is waving of the arms?

The parent teacher conference almost made me cry when she read that part.