
Wednesday, February 13, 2008

wiggle hell

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The wiggles. I decided moments ago to do a quick search for the string "i hate the wiggles"... and it turns out i am not alone. Hate is a strong word but let's just say i hate that autumn loves the wiggles so much. I have been sick for about a week now and when up at 1-3am I find myself singing wiggles songs... believe me I would rather humm along to a quality jjcale tune or elizabeth mitchell at the very least... but now- "i think dorothy is doing some mowing guys" .... runs through my head!

Originally we decided autumn wouldn't watch ANY tv... now, that she is almost 20 months, I will admit- she often watches about 20-30 minutes in the morning- this let's me get something done ... in taking a quick poll of the other moms i know there is no need to feel guilty about this- but somehow i do. perhaps if autumn would be willing to watch something other than the wiggles the guilt would subside.

check out the strong opinions from other wiggle-haters.

1 comment:

JFB said...

If you think the Wiggles are bad you ain't seen nuthin yet! They're not half as annoying as some other kiddie "entertainers" (I'm talking to you, Barney!!). So count your blessings if that's Autumn's choix du jour.

Me, I don't mind tv as long as you're there talking to your child about what they're watching. And, sad but true, Liam has advanced his knowledge of phonetics and the alphabet from SuperWhy and Word World. So I'm in the appropriate-doses, age-appropriate, with-parent-interaction camp re tv.

Most days.