
Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Sleep, cough, sniffle, sleep

At the Hames residence, sleep has become somewhat elusive. The peanut, the one we call Autumn, has what I like to refer to as a smoker's cough. At 9 months, I fear she has my snooter.

For most of my young life, I would get this cough. My sister will most likely comment on it -- it used ot keep her up at night. Much later in life, I got surgery on my nose, and things were better for a while. It seems the old septum might have re-deviated though, as I've been struck with a cough for a almost two weeks.

Back to Autumn. I can get her to sleep now, at will, with the old over the shoulder hold. Her little head plops on my shoulder and her right hand holds my hand, and she's out. Like a light. No rolling in the crib, or waking back up. She's out.

Until she coughs. It knocks out the binky, which confuses her, and she cries. Which wakes her up. And us.

Last night, she was up almost every other hour. Which means her cough is getting much better, but it also means that sleep isn't coming in vast quantities. We're trying to help in any way. Currently, there are two humidifiers humidifying her room. One is a Vick's jobby that comes with smelly Vick's stuff that just smells like getting better. I know 'getting better' isn't a smell, but that's what I think when I smell it.

So, she's back at day care this morning. The doctor said it would be okay, as the cough isn't contagious. Her nose is a little runny, but that's because her septum is most likely deviated. My mum and I are not blessed with good snooters -- and it appears the snooter apple stayed near my tree. Ah well.

We'll keep you posted about today. It might be another day away from day care. One day I might have to rant about the US and day care. But today, I'm too tired.

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