
Thursday, May 03, 2007

that kind of day

Here's the day.

It starts, of course, with this blog's namesake waking us up at 5:00. Which is unacceptable, so after a bit of food (in our bed), she falls asleep snuggled up to dad (your narrator).

Meaning, we all sleep in. So we're running around like nuts. Never good. But amazingly, we make it, Mom and Autumn in the car, the dog walked, and I jump in the car to head to work. In the parking lot at work, I realize I left the work computer at home.

Not good.

Back I go. Grab said computer, give dog a kiss and back on the road. This time, computer and lunch (a couple of PB&J sammy's being carried in a plastic bag) are on board.

Back to the parking lot. Grab the computer, the aforementioned plastic bag, and high-tail it to work. At the elevator, with nothing to look at but the numbers over the door, I look at my lunch, and laugh. Inexplicably, I grabbed a bag with Autumn's dirty clothes. So far: late, been to work twice, my lunch is poopy clothes.

It gets worse. Rhona is out tonight so I'm on my onesie with the girls. I load them up and walk. Autumn is a breeze. She's laughing, loving life. Lucy is a bit of a pain, but not unmanageable. She poops. I get it. We carry on. At the end point of our walk, the point where I plan to turn around and come back, she decides to poop again. Thankfully, I was packing in both holsters. Only, two problems:

It's runny and the second bag is holy. Crikey, I mutter. I can't abandon the poop. There are people around. It's a gorgeous day. So I go in, carefully. And get dog poop on my hand. At the farthest point away from my house that I could be. With a baby, and a dog, still in tow. It's not like I can dash into a washroom (or as they say in an America, a bathroom, where I would have considered bathing). Nope. I gotta walk all the way without thinking about it.

And that's not the worst part. Ever tried to not think about the dog poop on your finger? Go ahead, try it. Try not thinking about dog poop on your finger. Impossible.

It's now 7:44 PM. Autumn has been fed. Bathed. And she's down. We bathed together, and I paid extra attention to my hand. I now plan to lay on the couch and watch mindless TV.

1 comment:

buruquena said...

I really enjoyed reading this. I'm still laughing and can't stop thinking of the poop on your finger.
In a few hours I will be up on the air. I hope to you all soon in my tropical home.